Today we will discuss three strategies that are usually adopted for handling a wireless channel that is varying with time and hence acting differently on different data symbols. For a channel impulse response $c(t)$, number of multipath $N_{MP}$, channel gains $\gamma_i(t)$ and delays $\tau_i(t)$ for the $i$-th path, respectively, we can write \begin{equation*} c_B(t) = \sum _{i=0}^{N_{MP} -1} \gamma_i(t) \cdot \delta(t-\tau_i(t)) \end{equation*} i.e., channel gains $\gamma_i(t)$ and channel delays $\tau_i(t)$ are varying with time albeit at different rates. With the movement in the channel, the taps in a frequency selective channel are changing according to the rotation rates of path
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