A beam formation process can be seen in water waves by throwing two stones

Beamforming – Mindfulness of an Antenna Array

If beamforming has to be explained in the most succinct manner, it is the mindfulness of an antenna array where it focuses its attention towards one specific location (or a few specific locations). We find out in this article how it is achieved. As opposed to its reputation, beamforming is not a mysterious technology. It has been used by signal processing engineers for radio applications since long. For example, Marconi used four antennas to increase the gain of signal transmissions across the Atlantic in 1901. It has also been known since 1970s that multiple antennas at the base station help

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Classification of carrier frequency synchronization algorithms

Classification of Carrier Frequency Synchronization Techniques

We have discussed before that carrier phase synchronization is done at the end of the Rx signal processing chain due to the very nature of the DSP implementation. And that almost all DSP based phase synchronization algorithms are timing-aided. Timing acquisition implies knowing the symbol boundaries in the Rx sampled waveform which is equivalent to identifying the optimal sampling instants where the eye opening is maximum and Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) from the neighbouring symbols is zero. In the case of Carrier Frequency Synchronization (CFO), this is not true. From a previous post on the effect of CFO, we know that

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SINAD for signal, noise and distortion

How to Compute SINAD in a Radio Receiver

In theory, the quantity that determines the performance of a radio receiver is the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). In linear terms, this is simply the ratio of the signal power versus the noise power appearing at the demodulator input. \[ SNR = 10\log_{10} \frac{P_S}{P_N} \] where $P_S$ is the signal power and $P_N$ is the noise power within the spectrum. However, when experimental measurements are carried out in order to verify the theoretical conclusions, SNR alone is not enough and there is another quantity, known as SINAD, that governs the receiver performance. What is SINAD SINAD stands for Signal

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A 2x2 MIMO spatial multiplexing system

Linear Detection Algorithms in MIMO Systems

In the past 100 years, scientists have imagined new ways of boosting the capacity of wireless channels. Around the middle of 20th century, we began to truly understand the role of fundamental players in this equation, namely power and bandwidth. It was realized that the capacity of a wireless channel increases logarithmically with SNR and hence quickly approaches the region of diminishing returns. Nevertheless, with a few exceptions, almost all the research was exclusively focused on single antenna systems. It was only in mid 1990s that the power of using multiple antennas at both ends of the link was discovered.

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A quasi-static assumption implies that the channel stays the same for each block but varies from one block to the next

A Time-Varying Wireless Channel

Today we will discuss three strategies that are usually adopted for handling a wireless channel that is varying with time and hence acting differently on different data symbols. For a channel impulse response $c(t)$, number of multipath $N_{MP}$, channel gains $\gamma_i(t)$ and delays $\tau_i(t)$ for the $i$-th path, respectively, we can write \begin{equation*} c_B(t) = \sum _{i=0}^{N_{MP} -1} \gamma_i(t) \cdot \delta(t-\tau_i(t)) \end{equation*} i.e., channel gains $\gamma_i(t)$ and channel delays $\tau_i(t)$ are varying with time albeit at different rates. With the movement in the channel, the taps in a frequency selective channel are changing according to the rotation rates of path

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